A day in a life of a digital influencer

Back in the swing of things with my latest Meets interview series and I have taken to sub-titling this “a day in a life of…. I find it so interesting to see how people spend their days when they have kids, a business, a blog, a to do list as long as their arm and lots of events to think about coming up. As a result of this I have added a few elements to my core interview series and this week it’s “A day in a life of a digital influencer” as Meets Vicki Psarias.

Meets: A day in a life of a digital influencer

Vicki is writer and founder of Honest Mum, the online magazine featuring family-life, food, fashion, beauty and travel. Vicki is a former TV Director and filmmaker and can often be seen presenting on TV and in beauty and lifestyle campaigns for global brands.

I love that the digital content of Vicki’s blog can range from making a gorgeous Greek salad to test driving a Jeep on YouTube. Her Facebook page is filled with funny quotes on how tough and fun parenting can be and she always genuinely connects with her readers in a meaningful way.

So let’s find out what’s the inspiration behind Vicki’s amazing digital life and find out a little bit more about a day in her life.

Q. What encouraged you to get into this industry and what was your route into it?

Working in digital was an accidental career really as I was a filmmaker and TV Director pre-maternity leave. It was actually a filmmaker friend of mine, Amancay Tapia who encouraged me to start blogging in the first place. I’m so glad I listened to her because I was starting up Honest Mum at a time when I desperately needed to rediscover my voice after a traumatic birth. This led to a dynamic and creative career which still sees me writing and directing but now in the form of blogging, social media and vlogging.

I also regularly feature in branded film and content for international brands. I love how empowering this field is. I publish anything I like and instantly connect with others. I’m not dependant on commissioners or exec producers. I just need my laptop.

Q. What is a typical working day for you?

A typical working day sees me waking up early with the kids and getting them ready for school and nursery before eating breakfast together. My husband usually does the actual school run and drop off and I collect! If I’m not on a shoot that day in London, I usually have Google hangouts or phone meetings with clients and PRs. I spend time sorting through photos from shoots, uploading content and videos and writing posts. I usually speak to my publicist several times a day about projects and scheduled, upcoming PR.

Xander my three year old stays with me two days a week so those days are usually filled with play dates, fun at the park and Cbeebies. I love that my job offers me flexibility and means I can work remotely on my own time and terms that works for my family.

I do work full time hours but they are squished throughout the week meaning I always get at least one full day off and usually two. It’s taken a while to get here but it feels great.

Q. Where are you based, how much of an inspiration is your city and what are your favourite cities around the world?

I’m based just outside of Leeds in a pretty village in the Yorkshire countryside. I grew up in Leeds and love it here. Culture meets countryside where we are! I love to travel and have been lucky enough to see a lot of the world. My film work has been shown at film festivals all over the world from France to LA and beyond. The culture, film and food of a place never fails to inspire my work be it photography or the moving image.

Q. Have you seen your industry change in the last few years? Have you had to adapt?

The digital industry is evolving at a tremendous rate, it’s a fairly new field, I’ve only been full time for four years and within that time there’s been great, visible change. I love that this way of working is flexible, remote, creative and lucrative. It’s hard to find that mix elsewhere in the arts.

As a digital creator, I am not reliant on commissioners or execs to commission my work to reach people. I self-publish and promote and it’s an empowering way to work, available to all.

Q. What’s the most rewarding part of your work? What is your greatest accomplishment so far?

The most rewarding part of my work is creating content which resonates with others and truly makes a difference. Whether it’s a post on overcoming my traumatic birth or encouraging others to feel good about themselves in their swimwear with my #proudinmybikini campaign.

My biggest accomplishments are my kids, they have taught me unconditional love and endurance too. I’m proud of my relationship with my husband who I cheesily love more each day. He’s my rock.

Q. What is next for you? What are your goals for 2024?

I never know what’s next for me and like to simply live in the moment. I have goals and ambitions but they change and evolve as my life does. I hope to add to our family one day and keep doing what I love. Most of all, I want health and happiness for all.

The Quick Fire Round:

How would you describe yourself in three words?

Lively, loyal and passionate!

Who would play you in a movie about your life?

Olivia Palermo please. I’m a total fan girl over her!

Who is your ultimate style icon?

Ha, Olivia Palermo! Obvious huh! I love Alexa Chung too.

Bonus Question – if you didn’t do the job you do now – what would be your dream job and where?

I think I’d be an actress. Never say never hey! I love presenting and have adored presenting on telly over the last year!

You can catch up on all the digital goings on with Vicki on her Twitter, Instagram and of course on the blog right here.

Check her blog out and head back here to tell me the most inspiring post you found, you’ll be there for hours so put the kettle on!