Language of Love La Redoute

This week I showcased the fabulous La Redoute #languageoflove campaign and video. It’s all about how our French neighbours are more in tune with their emotional side and express their love for their loved ones far more often than their British counterparts.

Language of Love La Redoute

There is always a tendency for us to assume that loved ones know how we feel. We were never really ones to say “I love you” that much in our family. But as time has passed, as we have faced challenges and illness together, we have become a lot closer and use those three words more often, which is just great. Fifty-two per cent of those surveyed by French fashion giant La Redoute admitted that hearing those three words makes them feel special.

A surprising snippet of information from the La Redoute survey is that 83 per cent of British people said they believe ‘I love you’ sounds better when said in a European language, with 20 per cent preferring to hear it in French, and 55 per cent of women admitting they have a penchant for tender French poetry – oh la la. Which is why, the video below is just sensational and Mr La Redoute exudes French style and confidence to go along with his words.

“What La Redoute UK aims to convey in The Language of Love is that French Style is more than just an aesthetic – it’s an attitude. If only every one of us in Britain could try on a little French Style every day, and spontaneously tell someone ‘I love you’, wouldn’t our days all be a little brighter?”

Michael & Barbara

I want to tell you the story of Michael and Barbara. I met Barbara before she went upstairs to meet Mr La Redoute and be filmed with him. She thought she was going to be interviewed as part of an audition and she knew her husband Michael was involved too but little did she know what was really going on behind the scenes.

Michael and Barbara are just a lovely couple and have been married for thirty years. They met in a stage production of My Fair Lady and their love has blossomed ever since. I managed to have a few moments to catch up with Michael and Barbara after the filming and I found out some truly lovely things that keeps their love for each other alive.

For instance, Barbara keeps their love alive by opening a bottle of champagne for no particular occasion (a women after my own heart!) and sharing her love for classical music with Michael on a daily basis. Whilst Michael makes sure that she is always smiling by often “jiggling her hips until she giggles”.

These two now find that they often accidentally match their clothing and describe their style as ‘50 shades of beige’. What Barbara loves most about Michael; that he does her accounts! But I’m sure there is more to him than that! Barbara said that they do try to be quite open about their feelings, which is more than most it seems in the La Redoute survey, and that openness and being a team is the key to a happy relationship.

Saida Gallouj, CEO at La Redoute UK, commented on the campaign, “We were astounded by our research, which showed that 82 per cent of people want to hear ‘I love you’ every day, yet only 30 per cent say it that often. This led to a nationwide search for women to appear in our video, nominated by a family member or friend who wanted to tell them just how wonderful they are.

However we know that this can be uncomfortable for British people, so we offered them an actor to articulate their feelings for them”. And boy that is what Florent did! It is just an absolutely lovely video!