La Redoute | Language of Love

A couple of months ago, I headed to East London, to an old warehouse that is now used for filming commercials, films, you name it; it was one stylish location. I arrived to find everyone a little giddy about a certain French chap, Mr La Redoute, and the secrets that the day contained.

La Redoute | Language of Love

To be honest I had no clue what was really going on; French fashion giant La Redoute, whom I am a Brand Ambassador for, told me they were filming their #languageoflove promotional video, and asked if I’d like to see behind the scenes. It was all very hush hush but then I found out why. The video features hot French male model and actor, Florent Thevenot, talking French to lovely ladies, who he has just met!

They thought they were there to be at an audition. Little did they know that it was actually all about the Language of Love, following La Redoute’s recent UK poll, in which they asked men and women what they really think about the words, “I love you”. La Redoute UK, found that just under a quarter (22 per cent) of men and women in the UK had last told someone that they loved them in the last year, even worse, couldn’t remember uttering those three little words at all! Such a shame!

Mr La Redoute pours his heart out in a rather stylish way to these ladies who really had no idea what he was saying to them. Then it all becomes clear; he is conveying a message from their loved one, who at that moment enters the room; cue floods of tears!

The Language of Love

La Redoute know that the British curse of the stiff upper lip can affect us when it comes to relationships. Often a lot goes unsaid, it can be difficult to speak from the heart and often we miss those opportunities to be open with our loved ones and tell them how much we cherish them.

Across the English Channel, things couldn’t be different for our French neighbours, who from the many romantic films based in Paris can be anything to go by, they find it pretty easy to say “Je t’aime”. So to encourage the people of Britain to be more like the romantic Gallics, French fashion brand La Redoute UK has created The Language of Love, a campaign supported by a short video in which a mysterious Frenchman delivers messages of love to unknowing women.

What La Redoute UK aims to convey in The Language of Love is that French Style is more than just an aesthetic – it’s an attitude. If only every one of us in Britain could try on a little French Style every day, and spontaneously tell someone ‘I love you’, wouldn’t our days all be a little brighter?

My message

La Redoute know I have a way with words, and they asked me to convey a message to a loved one. Now this could have been to my fiancé, it could have been to my amazing mother. But actually I chose my best friend Rebecca Ash. In a random link to the Language of Love concept; myself and Becky often email each other in a foreign language. The aim of the game is to translate back to English and try to understand the ramblings! So here is my message to Becky….

Becky, merci d’être un tel ami incroyable, dans la dernière année en particulier. Vous m’avez aidé à travers les hauts et les bas de la bataille finale de mon père d’un cancer. Vous étiez là pour moi; de me faire rire avec des histoires stupides quand j’ai eu besoin remonter le moral. Mais vous étiez également là pour moi quand j’ai besoin de conseils sur la façon d’agir, ce qu’il faut faire, ayant proches que récemment perdu vous-même. Vous avez été mon rocher, mon rire fabricant, un ami vraiment incroyable. Normalement, nous ne dire cela quand nous avons eu quelques vins, mais je vous remercie d’être là, Je t’aime. Vous êtes incroyable. Je ne peux pas attendre de voir que vous marchez dans l’allée à jour de votre mariage et être demoiselles d’honneur à l’autre. Merci ami spécial.

Becky, thank you for being such an amazing friend, in the last year especially. You have helped me through the ups and the downs of my father’s final battle with cancer. You were there for me; to make me laugh with silly stories when I needed cheering up. But you were also there for me when I needed advice on how to act, what to do, having only recently lost loved ones yourself. You have been my rock, my laughter maker, a truly amazing friend. Normally we only say this when we have had a few wines, but thank you for being there, I love you. You are amazing. I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle at your wedding day and be bridesmaids to each other. Thank you special friend.

Later in the week I’ll be sharing a bit more of the Language of Love filming day and the lovely Barbara and Michael and their story.

Tell someone you love them, Share the language of love – #languageoflove